Legal notes

InterPharmaLink AG
Münchensteinerstrasse 41
CH-4052 Basel

Represented by:
Andreas Rummelt

Tel.: +41 61 205 29 90
Fax: +41 61 205 29 96

for Content:

Matthias Pohl, Marc Müller

InterPharmaLink AG
Münchensteinerstrasse 41
CH-4052 Basel

Legal Notice

§ 1 Content Warning

The freely accessible content on this website has been compiled with the greatest possible care, but the website provider assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and timeliness of freely accessible journalistic information and news. Any contributions identified by name reflect the opinion of the respective author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the provider. Simply accessing freely accessible content does not establish a contractual relationship between the user and the provider, insofar as the provider's legally binding intention is lacking.

§ 2 External Links

This website may contain links to third-party websites ("external links"). These websites are subject to the liability of the respective operators. The provider initially checked the external content for any legal violations upon creation of the external links. At that time, there were no apparent legal violations. The provider has no influence over the current and future design or content on linked pages. Placing external links does not mean that the provider adopts the content behind the reference or link as his own. It is not reasonable for the provider to constantly monitor the external links without concrete evidence of legal violations. In the event that legal violations are identified, the corresponding external links will be deleted immediately.

§ 3 Copyrights and ancillary Copyrights

The content published on this website is subject to Swiss copyright and ancillary copyright law. Any use not permitted by Swiss copyright and ancillary copyright law requires the prior written consent of the provider or the respective rights holder. This applies in particular to the copying, modification, translation, storage, processing or reproduction of content in databases or other electronic media and systems. Content and rights of third parties are marked as such. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of individual content or complete pages is not permitted and is punishable by law. Only the production of copies and downloads for personal, private, and non-commercial use is permitted.

Data protection declaration


With the following data protection declaration, we would like to inform you about which types of your personal data (hereinafter also referred to as "data") we process, for what purposes and to what extent. The data protection declaration applies to all processing of personal data carried out by us, both in the context of the provision of our services and in particular on our websites, in mobile applications and within external online presences, such as our social media profiles (hereinafter collectively referred to as "online offering").

The terms used are not gender-specific.

Status: July 1, 2024

Table of contents
  • Preamble

  • Overview of processing

  • Relevant legal bases

  • Security measures

  • International data transfers

  • General information on data storage and deletion

  • Provision of the online offer and web hosting

  • Presences in social networks (social media)

  • Plug-ins and embedded functions and content

Overview of processing

The following overview summarizes the types of data processed and the purposes of their processing and refers to the persons concerned.

Types of data processed
  • Employee data.

  • Contact data.

  • Content data.

  • Usage data.

  • Meta, communication and Process data.

  • Protocol data.

Categories of data subjects
  • Employees.

  • Users.

Purposes of processing
  • Communication.

  • Security measures.

  • Feedback and Marketing.

  • Profiles with user-related information.

  • Establishment and implementation of employment relationships.

  • Information technology infrastructure.

  • Public relations.

  • Business processes and business management procedures.

Relevant legal bases

Relevant legal bases under the Swiss Data Protection Act: If you are located in Switzerland, we process your data on the basis of the Federal Data Protection Act (short "Swiss DSG"). We only collect personal data for a specific purpose that is identifiable to the person concerned and only process it in a way that is compatible with that purpose (Art. 6 Para. 3 of the Swiss Data Protection Act).

Security measures

We take appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of protection appropriate to the risk.

The measures include in particular ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data by controlling physical and electronic access to the data as well as the access, input, transfer, securing availability and separation of data. Furthermore, we have set up procedures that ensure the exercise of data subjects' rights, the deletion of data and reactions to threats to data.

International data transfers

Disclosure of personal data abroad: In accordance with the Swiss DSG, we only disclose personal data abroad if adequate protection of the data subjects is guaranteed (Art. 16 Swiss DSG).

According to Article 16 of the Swiss Data Protection Act, exceptions to the disclosure of data abroad may be permitted if certain conditions are met, including the consent of the data subject, contract execution, public interest, protection of life or physical integrity, data made public or data from a legally provided register. These disclosures are always made in accordance with the legal requirements.

General information on data storage and deletion

We delete personal data that we process in accordance with the statutory provisions as soon as the underlying consent is revoked or there are no further legal bases for the processing. This applies to cases in which the original purpose of processing no longer applies or the data is no longer required. Exceptions to this rule exist if legal obligations or special interests require the data to be stored or archived for a longer period.

Provision of the online offer and web hosting

We process the user's data in order to be able to provide them with our online services. For this purpose, we process the user's IP address, which is necessary to transmit the content and functions of our online services to the user's browser or device.

Types of data processed: Usage data (e.g. page views and length of stay, click paths, intensity and frequency of use, device types and operating systems used, interactions with content and functions); meta, communication and process data (e.g. IP addresses, time information, identification numbers, people involved); protocol data (e.g. log files relating to logins or the retrieval of data or access times). Content data (e.g. textual or visual messages and contributions as well as information relating to them, such as information on authorship or time of creation).

Affected persons: Users (e.g. website visitors).

Purposes of processing: Provision of our online offer and user-friendliness; Information technology infrastructure (operation and provision of information systems and technical devices (computers, servers, etc.).). Security measures.

Storage and deletion: Deletion in accordance with the information in the section "General information on data storage and deletion".

Legal basis: Legitimate interests.

Presences in social networks (social media)

We maintain online presences within social networks and process user data in this context in order to communicate with the users active there or to offer information about us.
For a detailed description of the respective processing forms and the options for opting out, please refer to the data protection declarations and information provided by the operators of the respective networks.

Plug-ins and embedded functions and content

We integrate functional and content elements into our online offering that are obtained from the servers of their respective providers (hereinafter referred to as "third-party providers"). These can be, for example, graphics, videos or city maps (hereinafter referred to uniformly as "content").